Our mission

 Spring Hill Physical Therapy contributes to community wellness by recognizing body, mind, and spirit in the people we treat.  Our highly skilled team facilitates the optimal health of each client, integrating traditional and complementary treatment methods in a welcoming and compassionate environment.

Pilates Rehabilitation

The Pilates Method™ is a system of physical fitness and rehabilitation that focuses on strengthening the core muscles of the trunk, properly aligning the spine, and increasing flexibility and muscle tone throughout the body. Developed by Joseph H. Pilates in the early 20th century, Pilates Reformer RehabilitationPilates consists of a series of more than 500 exercises performed on specialized apparatuses and floor mats.

All Pilates movements are precise, controlled, and closely coordinated with the breath. They also integrate movement of the arms and legs with that of the core, or “trunk,” of the body. For these reasons, the Pilates exercises are a great way to improve the body-mind connection. The rehabilitation exercises are designed to:

  • Stabilize the spine
  • Eliminate excessive muscle effort
  • Elongate the spine
  • Improve posture, coordination, and balance

In addition, Pilates will:

  • Build longer/leaner muscles
  • Help prevent injury
  • Balance strength and flexibility
  • Offer no-impact movements
  • Improve performance in sports

Stillpoint StudiosCheck out Stillpoint Studios for more information on Pilates



"How very, very thankful I am to be strong, confident, empowered!  I owe this transformation to my own willingness, combined with your guidance, and care regarding trauma resolution and re-building - spiritually, mentally, and physically, from the inside out...You can not imagine how grateful I am for your comprehensive clinical approach."

- MaryAnn K., RN

Therapists & Modalities*

Physical Therapists, Grass Valley, Nevada CityOur physical therapists are highly trained in both traditional and alternative methods of rehabilitation.

We provide personal one-on-one sessions which are approximately fifty minutes in duration and include manual therapy such as:

  • Myofascial release
  • Craniosacral therapy
  • Acupressure
  • Somato-emotional release
  • Muscle energy techniques
  • Trauma resolution

Modalities used include:

  • Ultrasound
  • Mechanical traction
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Moist heat, cold packs and paraffin

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Appointments Available!

Physical Therapy Appointment, Pilates Classes, Body Massage, Enneagram