Our mission

 Spring Hill Physical Therapy contributes to community wellness by recognizing body, mind, and spirit in the people we treat.  Our highly skilled team facilitates the optimal health of each client, integrating traditional and complementary treatment methods in a welcoming and compassionate environment.


Biofeedback developing awarenessBiofeedback is a method of developing awareness of various physiological processes that are typically thought to be outside our voluntary control or will.  It is performed using computerized instrumentation and sensors that read certain physiological processes such as muscle tone, brain-waves, skin conductance, skin temperature, heart rate and respiration rate/quality. 

When these techniques are employed, they enable the individual the ability to better regulate their own autonomic nervous system and brain function for overall improved health, wellness, and performance.  By becoming more aware and mindful of one’s thoughts, emotions and behaviors in conjunction with the physiological processes, one can obtain a more balanced, harmonized life.



Biofeedback is used to treat many different aliments including...
...But not limited to:

  • TMJ Dysfunction
  • Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS)
  • Tension Headaches
  • Migraine
  • Raynaud’s Syndrome
  • Some forms of chronic pain
  • Generalized muscle tension
  • Neuro-muscular reeducation after injury

Benefits of Biofeedback:

  • Decreased use of medications
  • Decreased visits to the ER...In cases of anxiety and hypertension
  • No side effects
  • Regulation of nervous system
  • Relaxation and stress reduction
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved functional mobility
  • Improved overall health and wellbeing


"I will miss my therapist.  She was very special and helped me get out of pain."

- Barbara F.

At Spring Hill, we take pride in providing both traditional care and an array of complementary natural health treatments. Our services include:

  • Physical Therapy
  • Pilates 

To become a patient, ask your doctor for a referral today. We also accept cash-pay patients and offer a 10% discount.

Call us today at 530.274.2320 to get started!

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